Posts Tagged ‘BRITAX’

As you all know I love being a BRITAX Mumbassador! Recently I was lucky enough to be given another amazing opportunity through them, and was sent the new BOB Revolution® PRO to review. It’s a pushchair unlike one I’ve ever had before, and has fast become one of my favourites.

Since reviewing the B-Motion 3 I’ve favoured three wheeled pushchairs, they’re easier to push, and in my opinion a smoother ride. The BOB Revolution® PRO was no exception! Perfect for travelling easily over different terrains it is a dream to control when power walking or running, and is very easy to manoeuvre.
Designed with the busy parent in mind, the new BOB Revolution® PRO stroller is the first pushchair on the market that has a front swivel wheel which is safe and approved for running in the UK and Europe. So you can run to the shops and back all with your little one in tow! It also has hand-activated rear drum brakes and is perfect for using on steep hills!
Things I love about the BOB Revolution® PRO
*Ease: The pushchair is extremely easy to put up and collapse and is one of the easiest systems I’ve seen. By pressing on two leavers and pushing the top of the stroller forwards it neatly folds up, then you can pull up on a handle to place in a car or to where it’s stored. There is a strap and clip to keep it folded down, however I rarely use this as it sits neatly in the boot of my car without needing it to be clasped shut.
*Manoeuvre: As I’ve already mentioned this pushchair is a dream to push, whether you’re walking, power walking or running in sport mode, it is smooth and can easily be pushed and controlled using one hand. Lifting the front wheel up to go up onto a pavement is done using a light touch, and the break on the handlebar offers extra control. Its state-of-the-art adjustable suspension system provides an exceptionally smooth ride. The pushchair has high-impact polymer composite wheels with pneumatic tyres to take on tough terrain. I’ve used it in woodland, on the beach and off road and it has been amazing!
*Extra features: We love the large viewing window on the top of the canopy. I can easily see if my toddler has fallen asleep and he can see me when he needs to. The little pockets at the side of where he sits are also brilliant, allowing me to place a water bottle or snack there ready for when he’d like them so I don’t have to interrupt my walk/run. The canopy is also extra large and perfect letting my toddler snooze in the shade.

What I don’t love about the BOB Revolution® PRO
*Size: Whilst it’s not the largest pram I’ve owned it is quite long and I have regularly found myself accidentally knocking people heels. (which NEVER goes down well) The back two wheels are quite wide and when I have used the pram when shopping I have found it too wide for some stores, knocking several things off the shelves in the process! Perfect in a supermarket though for your post-workout snack shopping!
*Weight: Even though it is a lightweight stroller, for me it still feels quite heavy and cumbersome to lift. It wouldn’t put me off buying the pushchair as the positives outweigh this issue for me. And besides, it’s a pram for fitness fanatics and so lifting it has just become part of my exercise routine! 😉

If you are a busy parent who loves the outdoors I would definitely recommend the BOB Revolution® PRO. It is a brilliant pushchair to use when out and about walking, power walking or running – with the reassurance of knowing your little one is comfortable along the ride!
I was sent the BOB Revolution® PRO to review by BRITAX as part of the Mumbassador Program.

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London, UK!
For the second year running, leading child safety brand, BRITAX, is proud to announce its dual headline sponsorship of the 2014 Bliss Buggy Push alongside sporty outdoor stroller brand, BOB. The Bliss Buggy Push involves a series of family-friendly 5km buggy walks or runs across the UK, designed to help raise money for Bliss, the special care baby charity.
Bliss is a UK charity working to provide the best possible care and support for all premature and sick babies and their families. One in every nine babies is born premature or sick – that is around 80,000 babies every year.
Bliss is encouraging people all around the country to organise their own Buggy Push in their local area between May and December 2014, with the flagship London launch event taking place in Battersea Park, London on 31 May.
The Bliss Buggy Push series is Bliss’ most successful family fundraising event where mums, dads and children come together to raise money for the charity. Alongside sponsorship of the event BRITAX will also be giving away one of its most popular pushchairs, the BRITAX affinity, to the highest individual fundraiser in this year’s Bliss Buggy Push series. More details about the events and how to enter the competition are available here.
Bengi Bingol Yalcin, UK Marketing Manager at BRITAX remarks, ‘We’re very proud to be coming on board with Bliss again this year. The Bliss Buggy Push is an incredible event that’s really accessible to anyone who wants to get up and active with their little one – and the best part is it’s all in the name of a fantastic cause.’
This year, the London Buggy Push closely follows the launch of the brand new BOB Revolution PRO, BRITAX/BOB’s most versatile outdoor stroller yet. The Revolution PRO allows parents to run and train with their child, with the added flexibility of having a swivel front wheel, making it the perfect everyday stroller too. So if you’re looking for a new training companion ahead of your push this year, don’t forget to check it out.
BRITAX has been manufacturing child car seats and travel systems since 1966.
BRITAX has design centres in Germany and the UK where designers and engineers use state-of-the-art facilities, including their own test rigs, to pioneer innovative products and set safety standards, such as ISOFIX technology. The expertise BRITAX develops is regularly shared with governmental and safety experts worldwide.
Top European test organisations, such as independent motoring and consumer organisations consistently rate BRITAX amongst the best – and constantly exceed legal safety requirements. BRITAX are the car seat of choice in 78% of vehicles tested by Euro NCAP based on 2007 crash-test results.
The BOB Revolution PRO can be used in conjunction with any of the accessories currently available on the market for the BOB range. These include a Sun Shield, Snack Tray, Warm & Fuzzy cosytoes, Weather Shield and Travel Bag. There is also a bespoke infant carrier adapter allowing the BOB pushchairs to be used with the BRITAX BABY-SAFE infant carriers seats and the BOB carrycot.
BOB was acquired by BRITAX in 2011 and the BOB product portfolio was launched into the European market in 2012.
About Bliss
Bliss, the special care baby charity, is dedicated to ensuring that all babies born too soon, too small or too sick in the UK have the best possible chance of survival and of reaching their full potential. It does this by:
– providing practical and emotional support for families during an extremely difficult time, so they can give the best care to their babies.
– encouraging health care professionals to deliver family centred care, funding specialist Bliss nurses in hospitals and supporting research to improve care of all premature and sick babies.
– raising awareness of the issues affecting special care babies and fight for essential change within government and the NHS.
– for more information about Bliss, visit
This post was brought to you as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador programme.

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This competition has now closed and the winner has been chosen.
It’s the AMAZING Baby Show time again…

Taking place from the 21st -23rd February at ExCel London, The Baby Show is the UK’s leading pregnancy and parenting event. There will be hundreds of stands, which will feature anything and everything baby and toddler-focused – from innovative new inventions to showcases from all your favourite brands.
There will also be hourly guest speakers including nutrition expert Annabel Karmel, breastfeeding expert Clare Byam-Cook, and infant research and professor Dr Robert Titzer. With giveaways and special offers galore, make sure you don’t miss out!
To celebrate BRITAX’s continued involvement with the Baby Show and my role as a BRITAX Mumbassador, I’m really excited to be able to give away a pair of tickets to the next Baby Show in February! BRITAX’s stall will be stocked with all the latest BRITAX and BOB products, as well as having exciting offers available to Baby Show visitors. BRITAX experts will be on hand too, to explain the latest technology and take you through all the car seats and strollers on offer.
The tickets entitle you and a friend to full access at the London ExCel Baby Show on a day of your choice. Little ones get free entry so they’re more than welcome to come along too!
Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter! T&Cs apply.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This post has been brought to you as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador Programme.

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It is precisely 26 days until my birthday…that’s 26 days which I can use to actually get up off my bum and do something more active! I eat well, but exercise always eludes me. Once I get into something regularly then I’m focused…especially if I have a goal. So, seeing as I will be 37 (eeeek!) in a few weeks – and on my birthday I have to attend a friend’s 40th birthday party – I have an incentive and need to start now!
Here is some advice and guidance from BRITAX about a thirty day fitness challenge…I might just give it a go! 😉
We all love to begin the New Year with the best of intentions, vowing to ditch bad habits and have a healthier and happier year ahead. But as we all know, will power can dwindle all too quickly. Many people will already have abandoned their resolutions just weeks into the New Year – in fact Friday 24th Jan is ‘Fail Friday’ – the day where resolutions are most likely to be broken!
Are you committed to sticking to your New Year’s resolutions this year? Resolutions often sound easy but are harder to put into practice – resolutions like spending more quality time with the family, planning regular date nights with our other halves, eating more healthily as a family and exercising more to shift those extra baby pounds. We start with the best intentions to keep to them but they can often fall by the wayside.
We believe the key to successful resolution keeping, is to keep it simple, make it enjoyable and ensure its meshes with your everyday life!
That’s why BOB have teamed up with fitness expert, Laura Williams, to create a realistic 30-day fitness challenge for busy parents, designed to help you burn calories and tone up simply by doing everyday tasks around the home.
This 30-day calendar can be printed and kept somewhere you can read it every day – such as the fridge door. It will provide mums and dads with daily hints, tips and motivating advice that will not only make you smile but get your heart beating too – best of all, everything can be done whilst with your little one!
Check out more information on the exciting BOB range and don’t forget to print your very own plan and get active today! You can also get some more amazing advice and ideas from the Active Parents website!

This post has been brought to you as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador Programme.

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As a mum of three children I’ve used a fair number of prams, pushchairs and strollers, and I think it’s very telling that each time I had a new baby I’ve had a new pram…for I’d never settled on one I absolutely loved above all others. I’ve had travel systems, lightweight strollers, four wheelers, three wheelers and everything in between. So after becoming a BRITAX Mumbassador, when they sent me an email asking me to review the new B-Motion 3 I literally jumped up and down on the spot. I didn’t like the pram I currently had – it was rickety didn’t feel sturdy and as a three wheeler would tip over at the slightest imbalance, – so I was very excited to be offered this fantastic review opportunity, and couldn’t wait for the delivery.
It came a few days later and I un-boxed it quickly.

I was going to wait until all three of my children were asleep before assembling it as I wanted to concentrate fully…however, assembly was so ridiculously easy I did it then and there. The instructions were clear and the parts fitted together like a dream…and off on the school run we went. The first thing I noticed was how secure and steady the B-Motion 3 felt. It was strong, robust and – unlike the pram I had been using – didn’t feel like it was going to tip over at all.
Over the last few weeks I have used the pram in many different places: on farms, in shops, fields, on pavements, mud…and have tested it thoroughly. Here is my list of positive things about the pram, and (only a couple) of minor things not so positive for me.
Things I love about the BRITAX B-Motion 3…
* SIMPLICITY: The ease with which this pram is put up and subsequently collapsed is brilliant. You can simply collapse it one-handed by just pressing a button on the side, lifting up the fabric handle in the middle and it’s neatly folded in half. And to put up, press one button and pull up on the handle bar. I’ve had elaborate affairs before that take all manner of wangling to get up and down – one pram my husband even refused to use because it was so complicated. This one, with it’s one handed pull-fold mechanism, is by far the simplest pram I’ve ever used.
*STURDINESS: This pushchair feels so secure when you push it. It’s strong and well built and I felt my toddler was extremely safe when placed in it. As a three wheeler it’s great to push and I’ve even (shock horror for those who know me) been running with it which was a dream. (shin splints aside) The lockable swivel front wheel is great if you do want to run or jog with the pushchair.
*SMOOTH: It really is a brilliant all-terrain pushchair. It travels over bumpy grounds and rides over grass and pavements with ease. When my toddler falls asleep in the B-Motion 3 (which is rare, but that’s down to him not the pushchair!) whatever the level of unevenness the ground throws at me the journey is always smooth and he stays asleep. Without doubt the superior rear suspension provides an extremely smooth ride, while the air-filled rubber wheels allow you to tackle any terrain.
*SIZE: The B-Motion 3 is not as bulky as other pushchairs I’ve had. It’s not as wide as other prams and pushchairs and can be easily manoeuvred around shops (no more knocking things off shelves or having to reverse out awkwardly!) and folds down flat and compact to fit easily in the boot of a car. Perfect!
*SUN-SHADE and STORAGE POCKET: The sunshade of the pushchair clicks into three different position offering various levels of shade, without totally encasing my toddler so he can still see the surroundings! It also has a little viewing hole so I can still see him, which is very useful. And the large storage pocket in the canopy, which hangs under the handlebar is genius; I put a couple of nappies, wipes and snacks in there so I’m never caught short!
Things I didn’t love about the BRITAX B-Motion 3…
* STORAGE: There is a lovely big basket under the pram to put shopping bags or anything else you might need, however sometimes I found it tricky putting things in there and had to approach it from the side, pulling down the net to do so as the bar at the back of the storage is very sturdy and doesn’t leave a lot of room to put things in.
*RAIN COVER: This one really applies to all rain covers, I find them bulky and not easy to transport around with any pram or pushchair and sadly this rain cover is the same. Unless it’s raining and the cover is in use it’s difficult to take anywhere with you as it doesn’t fold down well or fit in the storage easily.
*WEIGHT: Put simply, whilst this pram weighs only 11kg I’d didn’t think it was the lightest of prams (although equally it’s not the heaviest) and takes some effort for me to put in the boot of my car. This wouldn’t put me off having a B-Motion 3 at all though, as the positives far outweigh this minor issue for me.

Overall I genuinely love this pushchair, it would seem like my quest to find the perfect one is well and truly over! My toddler is now 19 months, however this pushchair can be used from birth – Using the detachable CLICK & GO® adaptors, you can simply fit the BABY-SAFE infant carriers, BABY-SAFE Sleeper or carrycot directly onto the chassis to create your ideal travel system. B-MOTION also features a multi-position seat recline including a lay-flat mode, vital for newborns. I really would highly recommend the B-Motion 3.

I received the B-Motion 3 for the purpose of this review as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador programme.

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Last week I received an extremely exciting email letting me know that @BritaxUK would like to send me one of their new B-MOTION 3 strollers to review! I am ridiculously excited and hopefully it will arrive this week! It made me think about what you need to look for when choosing a pushchair and thankfully BRITAX have some very handy top tips…
From lightweight three-wheelers to travel systems and off-road strollers – there’s a huge array of pushchairs available to choose from, and it can be difficult for new parents to know where to start.
Ask any seasoned mum if she would fork out for the same first pram again and she is likely to say no. In fact, she is more than likely to have one or two more prams back at home in her quest to find the pushchair that satisfied all her and her baby’s needs.
BRITAX has been speaking and working with mums for decades, and, in the hope of helping new mums learn from other mum’s mistakes and save some serious time and money, we have developed a few simple tips to consider before splashing hard earned cash.
Think comfort. A comfy baby is a happy baby, so think seats that fully recline, are spacious and well padded. Think cosy footmuffs, smart raincovers and hoods that protect your little ones from the elements.
Think practically. Don’t forget, the needs of a baby and toddler are very different and they soon grow. Older toddlers will still need space for a comfortable snooze when their batteries run low.
A boisterous toddler (and tired mum) can be heavy handed and you need to look for a pushchair that has good quality features that can stand a good deal of wear and tear.
Also, think, will the pushchair be handed down to a new sibling in a couple of year’s time? Look for a hardwearing fabric that will work for both boys and girls.
Do you need something lightweight that you can easily get on and off buses, fold up quickly to put in the boot of your car? Carry up a flight of stairs? Do you need a heavy weight pram that you can pound the pavements with, with a large shopping basket for all your food shopping?
Considering your lifestyle requirements alongside the needs of your child are key in selecting the right pushchair for your family. With almost 50 years’ experience in manufacturing pushchairs and travel systems, BRITAX has something for every family and every lifestyle.
Consider the following points before you make your final decision…
*If you have a newborn baby, your pushchair should have a full lie-back seat unit. Not only is this the most comfortable position for your new arrival, it is also much safer and will help protect the soft bones in their neck whilst you’re on the move. Some models, such as our BRITAX affinity also come with fully reversible seat units so your baby can face you
*Those families with twins or small children close in age will need to find a pushchair to suit the needs of both siblings. Double side-by-side pushchairs such as the B-AGILE Double, or tandem options such as the B-DUAL offer fantastic features that will suit any family looking after two young children
*Inner city mums are likely to be looking for something lightweight, with good portability that’s easily collapsible (preferably with a one-handed pull fold mechanism), particularly if you’ll be using their pushchair on public transport or have steps leading to your house. For those looking for a great all rounder which works well in the park or at the shops, the B-MOTION family caters for children from birth up to approximately four years of age
*Alternatively, those living in the countryside might like to make the most of their surroundings with an all-terrain stroller such as the BOB Sport Utility Stroller – its textured tyres and superior suspension will ensure a smooth ride for your child on even the bumpiest terrains
*All of the BRITAX pushchairs can convert to what is known as a travel system – using very simple CLICK & GO adaptors, you can attach a host of carriers, sleepers and carrycots
You don’t need to spend a fortune to get great quality practical features. You need a pushchair that reclines, is well padded, is safe and provides a comfortable experience for both mum and baby.
Think carefully about whether you will be passing the buggy down to a future sibling – in which case it may be worth spending a little bit more money to ensure it wears well.
Shop around for the best deals, as there are always great offers. BRITAX offers something for every family and for every budget.
Try before you buy – get a proper feel for how it folds, manoeuvres, how much storage space it offers, the height and feel of the handle bars…
Think about where you will be storing the pushchair – in your car, in the hallway, have you got the right amount of space?
Look and see which accessories are included in the price, there are always some great deals to be had.
And remember, it is possible to tick all the boxes; it just takes a little research and testing!
This post was brought to you as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador program of which I am extremely lucky to be a part of.

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This competition is now closed.

Oh today gorgeous readers do I have something exciting for you on my blog…a competition! My first one!
So…are you pregnant? Do you have a baby, two babies, toddlers?! Do you want to go somewhere where there are many amazing products and brands (including BRITAX) all under one roof? If the answer to any of those questions is yes then you will love this competition….
Taking place from the 25th -27th October at Kensington Olympia, The Baby Show is the UK’s leading pregnancy and parenting event. There will be hundreds of stands, which will feature anything and everything baby and toddler-focused – from quirky new inventions to showcases from all your favourite nursery brands.
There will also be hourly guest speakers including Jo Tantum, feeding and nutrition expert Annabel Karmel, and parenting guru Sir Robert Winston. With giveaways and special offers galore, make sure you don’t miss out!
To celebrate BRITAX’s continued involvement with the Baby Show, I’m really excited to be able to give away a pair of tickets to the next Baby Show in October! BRITAX’s stall will be stocked with all the latest BRITAX and BOB products including DUALFIX, XTENSAFIX, KIDFIX XP SICT and the B-MOTION 4, with experts on hand to explain the latest technology and take you through all the car seats and strollers on offer.
The tickets entitle you and a friend to full access at the Kensington Olympia Baby Show on a day of your choice. Little ones get free entry so they’re more than welcome to come along too!
I went last year with my sister-in-law and we had the most amazing day and came home with lots of wonderful things. It was good to be able to test products out and speak to people in the know about so many different items.
If you’d like to enter then please, use the Rafflecopter form below! Good luck! 🙂 T&Cs apply.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This competition is brought to you as part of the BRITAX Mumbassador programme.

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Safety: Safety is the state of being “safe” (from French sauf), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognised hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses.
As I am lucky enough to have been a BRITAX Mumbassador, I am currently feeling a tad guilty about being a little behind in informing you about the latest developments in car seat safety. Safety for our children is paramount in any given situation, not least when our children are in the car and their safety is somewhat out of our hands, as we are sadly not the only people on the roads. I was involved in a car accident when my eldest child was just twelve weeks old (not recently don’t worry!) I had serious whiplash, and the car was a complete mess…however my gorgeous daughter fast asleep in her BRITAX car seat didn’t even wake, and thankfully wasn’t hurt in any way.
With all of this in mind, today I am publishing this post to tell you about BRITAX launching a safety campaign to help parents choose the right car seat solution for their family. Even though this announcement was a few weeks ago the campaign is still very much relevant to all parents and BRITAX are passionate about keeping your children safe. They are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of travel solutions for children, with an impeccable reputation of creating safe and stylish products for families.
The following information comes from BRITAX…
There is an on-going debate about which is the safest way for your child to travel in a car, forward facing or rearward facing. It can be incredibly confusing for parents and whilst safety is of paramount importance when choosing a car seat, we here at BRITAX know that every family is unique and has different concerns and practicalities to consider.
Recently there has been a significant surge in popularity of rearward facing seats for children up to the age of four. This is already the norm for parents and families in Scandinavian countries and recently the American Academy of Paediatrics changed their recommendations to say all children should remain rearward facing until the age of two years.
There is no doubt that rearward facing seats offer the best protection in the event of frontal collisions. These are extremely serious and the most frequent types of accidents on the roads. BRITAX believes that parents should sit children rearward facing for as long as it is realistic for their child, car and family’s lifestyle and wholeheartedly supports the new Europe-wide initiative called ‘i-Size’ which dictates a child must be seated in an ISOFIX fitted, rearward facing car seat until the age of at least 15 months.
However, it is important to state that safety cannot be defined simply by the direction a child is travelling in the car and is influenced by several factors, including the angle of the crash impact, the correct installation of the car seat, which car seat is compatible with your car and how many children you may have to accommodate on the back seats.
This is an incredibly important topic and we have dedicated pages to this subject on our website where we offer parents all the information they need to make an informed choice to find the optimal rearward or forward facing car seat for their family. We want parents to feel confident that whatever BRITAX seat they choose, their child will be as safe as possible.
To find out more, please visit
Thank you for reading, I hope you have found the above information helpful. There will be another post from me soon all about the new i-Size regulations so keep your eyes peeled!

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BRITAX: Is a UK-based manufacturer of automotive safety equipment. It began making automotive safety equipment and accessories in 1938, and to import car and motorcycle accessories. During the 1970s, Britax began making childcare safety products, primarily child safety seats and strollers.
If you saw my tweets last week you will know that I am so proud to announce that I am now a BRITAX Mumbassador!

BRITAX are a world famous brand offering fantastically safe and stylish products for you and your family. BRITAX offers the latest state of technology so you know your child could not be in better hands. They sell a wide range of products from car seats to baby carriers, from pushchairs to bike seats.
I am so excited to have been given the opportunity to work with BRITAX and help readers of my blog keep up to date with the latest in car seat safety, offer fantastic competition prizes, and hopefully some honest reviews of their brilliant products!
So keep an eye out for all of the above on my blog and check out my tweets @InstinctiveMum!
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